Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lesson Two

2. Increase your capacity for compassion. Some of these images may be upsetting and hard to bear, but we must witness the atrocities carried out in the world to better understand how we can help. We must make ourselves knowledgeable of the suffering that is being created in the world to become better Moral Agents (or those who act upon their morals to end suffering.)




These are only a few examples of the human tragedies going on right now, this second. You, who have seen these, you can do something about. You must do something about it. Together, we can do something about it. It would be a travesty for a fellow human to shirk his duty to his brother by ignoring what is currently plaguing the world we live in.

A good way to start is by donating money to charitable organizations which directly help those who need help the most:


Save Darfur

Partners in Health- Haiti

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